Hope Inc.

Help This Single Mom Finish Her Bachelor’s Degree

Have you ever felt stuck on your journey towards better things? Well H.O.P.E is helping single parents all over metro Atlanta overcome this “stuck” feeling, especially when it comes to finishing school.

In fact, one of our current students— a single mom named Ruby, has been working tirelessly over the past few years to finish her Bachelor’s degree. Her most recent obstacle? Running out of student aid at her school.

Ruby has done all she could to get through school, but after losing her R.O.T.C scholarship due to her weight, being diagnosed with cancer, and learning that her four-year-old son has autism, her dream of completing a college education felt so far away.

We’re proud to have served so many hard-working single parents in Metro Atlanta, and we’re always looking to do more. We believe that the success of our program is largely due to our holistic approach, and the time we spend making sure each participant has what they need to succeed.

As a small team of only two full-time employees, we’re working hard every day to meet the needs of our participants— and we always appreciate the extra help.

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With only two semesters left until Ruby completes her Bachelor’s in Technology (something which will benefit both her and her son), we’re determined to see her through.

But we need your help. In order to support Ruby as she realizes her dream of graduating college, we’ve set up this Global Giving page. Let’s make sure Ruby can finish out these last two semesters once and for all.

Any donation you make will help us to continue our mission of HOPE: to empower, encourage, and equip working single parents like Ruby throughout our community, allowing them to provide a better life for themselves, their children, and generations to come.

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Thank you for all you do to continue giving HOPE to our community. 


Team H.O.P.E